L’immigration au Luxembourg, et après?

Craig Parsons, Timothy M. Smeeding

The importance of immigration to the future of Europe and also to the future of Luxembourg cannot be denied. Thus, it is with great honor that we are called upon to introduce this conference volume on Immigration in Luxembourg. Our introductory paper first presents Luxembourg both in the context of European immigration and also in comparative income inequality terms. We then go on to outline a series of demographic economic and policy issues and themes that can and are addressed by papers that follow. We end with an assessment of why Luxembourg presents a unique but powerful example of successful European immigration: one of growth with diversity and equality.

Proposition de citation

Smeeding, T. M. & Parsons, C. (2004). L’immigration au Luxembourg, et après? (Working Papers du CEPS/INSTEAD Nr. 396). Luxembourg Income Study (LIS).

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